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Meaning of the Words
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express passionate grief about. | Word | Meaning | |
1 | Community | Part of society | |
2 | Favourite | Something which is liked | |
3 | Commercial | Meant for profit | |
4 | Pattern | Trend | |
5 | Indigenous | Native | |
6 | Instrument | Equipment | |
7 | Traditional | Existing for a long time | |
8 | Exist | Something that is present | |
9 | Folk song | Country song | |
10 | Discuss | Talk to others about something | |
11 | Glimpse | summarise | |
12 | Theme | Main essence | |
13 | History | The past | |
14 | Aristic | Stylist | |
15 | Quilt | Join fabrics or clothes (bed cover) | |
16 | Shop | A place which sells products | |
17 | Ordinary | Authentic | |
18 | Fold | To rap something | |
19 | Handicraft | Handmade goods | |
20 | Rural | Village | |
21 | Craft | An activity that requires hand skills | |
22 | Ethnic | Colour of skin | |
23 | Pair | Two identical things | |
24 | Maturity | Mental optimal level | |
25 | Forest | A place with wild flora and fauna | |
26 | Thread | A long, thin fibre for sewing. | |
27 | Snacks | Lite food | |
28 | Delicious | Tasty | |
29 | Latter | Between two things, the last one. | |
30 | Vary | Deviate | |
31 | Cuisine | Cooking style | |
32 | Pass time | Leisure time | |
33 | Hunting | Killing animals for survival | |
34 | Utensil | A tool for cooking purpose | |
35 | Lifestyle | The way of living | |
36 | Poultry | Household farm of chicken | |
37 | Manage | Organise | |
38 | Hill tracts | Hill region | |
39 | Spices | Seed, fruit, root or plants | |
40 | Silent | Without sound | |
41 | Provisional | For present, will be changed later. | |
42 | Casual | Not formal | |
43 | Describe | To explain elaborately | |
44 | Structure | Frame work | |
45 | Nutrition | Food values | |
46 | Partner | Associate | |
47 | Entire | whole | |
48 | Socks | A garment for foot | |
49 | Streams | Tide | |
50 | Sweet | Pleasant, sugary | |
51 | Popular | famous | |
52 | Remember | To memorise, recall | |
53 | Properly | rightly | |
54 | Certain | Something that is predictable | |
55 | Paternal | From father side | |
56 | Yield | Result | |
57 | Recreation | entertainment | |
58 | Prescribe | To assign | |
59 | Tragedy | sorrow | |
60 | Untimely | inappropriate | |
61 | Isolate | Left lonely | |
62 | Contagious | Spreads by touch | |
63 | Fortnight | After 14 days (two weeks) | |
64 | Tidy | Not spending too much | |
65 | Preface | Introductory note | |
66 | Heritage | Cultural and physical structure of a society | |
67 | Fitful | Not often happening | |
68 | Envious | Be jealous | |
69 | Typical | normal | |
70 | Defying | Refuse to obey | |
71 | Boutique | Home cloth products | |
72 | Chores | Household work | |
73 | Heed | Pay attention | |
74 | Nip | bite | |
75 | Wisdom | knowledge | |
76 | Stunned | shocked | |
77 | Admiration | Praise | |
78 | Fascinated | enthusiastic | |
79 | Astonish | surprise | |
80 | Vain | fail | |
81 | Unstitched | unsewn | |
82 | Grudge | A persistent ill will | |
83 | Greedy | Wanting more than enough | |
84 | Unfortunate | unlucky | |
85 | Abuse | humiliate | |
86 | Ill fated | hardluck | |
87 | Outward | outgoing | |
88 | Sapling | A young tree | |
89 | Passion | Love to do something | |
90 | Farthest | Most distant | |
91 | Scorching | Very hot | |
92 | Fallow land | A land left unused | |
93 | Fodder | Food, like straw | |
94 | Enormous | Huge | |
95 | Grumpy | Angry | |
96 | Generous | Kind-hearted | |
97 | Flattery | Praising to gain something | |
98 | Dove | A kind of duck | |
99 | Sly | cunny | |
100 | Mighty | big | |
101 | Insincere | Not obedient | |
102 | Urge | persuade | |
103 | Grateful | thankful | |
104 | Noble | Honourable | |
105 | Echo | Own sound returning | |
106 | Vicious | Very bad | |
107 | Wisest | Knowledgeable | |
108 | Pledge | A personal promise | |
109 | Steadfastness | Inflexible | |
110 | Worthless | valueless | |
111 | Delight | joy | |
112 | Lounge | Lie, sit or stand | |
113 | Expire | Out of death | |
114 | Departure | Going away | |
115 | Seize | stop | |
116 | Enclosed | encircled | |
117 | Lavatory | toilet | |
118 | Descend | Downward path | |
119 | Approximate | Very close | |
120 | Upright | vertical | |
121 | Turbulence | unstable | |
122 | Fasten | To tie | |
123 | Hesitate | Not doing an action | |
124 | Fountain | A place where water is gushing out | |
125 | Roasted | fried | |
126 | Mythology | Old stories and beliefs | |
127 | Ancient | Very old | |
128 | Hazardous | harmful | |
129 | Shoals | A kind of fish | |
130 | Knight | An honoured soldier | |
131 | Rely | Depending upon something | |
132 | Oyster | A sea animal | |
133 | Nomad | A person who has no permanent place to live | |
134 | Toddler | A baby who barely walks | |
135 | Herbal | Prepared from herbs | |
136 | Maternal | From the mother’s side | |
137 | Bedey | Who do business using snakes | |
138 | Compartment | chamber | |
139 | Benign | Gentle or kind | |
140 | Correspond (with/to) | To be similar to something | |
141 | Disposal | The act of arranging or distributing | |
142 | Distinct | Having easily-identifiable characteristics | |
143 | Erode | To destroy slowly | |
144 | interpretation | An explanation | |
145 | Legislation | The process of making laws | |
146 | Majority | The greater part or number | |
147 | Maximise | To use to maximum effect or potential | |
148 | Minimise | To reduce | |
149 | Obtain | To get or receive | |
150 | Obvious | Clear and easy to predict | |
151 | Occur | To happen or take place | |
152 | Option | A choice | |
153 | Participate | To take part in something | |
154 | Period | A portion of time | |
155 | Prospect | A potential candidate | |
156 | Psychological | Relating to the mind | |
157 | Purchase | To buy | |
158 | Pursue | To do something | |
159 | Relevant | Related to | |
160 | Reliable | Able to trust | |
161 | Requirement | Demanded | |
162 | Resource | A support, supply or an aid of something | |
163 | Retain | To remember | |
164 | Role | A position or customary function | |
165 | Sector | A part or subdivision | |
166 | Secure | safe | |
167 | Significant | important | |
168 | Status | Someone’s position in relation to other people | |
169 | Symbolise | To represent or be a symbol for something | |
170 | Technique | A specific way of doing things | |
171 | Transform | To change into a different form | |
172 | Veritable | Being truly or very much so | |
173 | Visible | Able to be seen | |
174 | Wane | To decrease in strength, intensity, and so on | |
175 | Exhilarating | Making you feel very excited and happy | |
176 | Dreading | To be very afraid of or worried about something | |
177 | Revanchist | relating to a policy of fighting back | especially to recover lost territory." |
178 | Suits | lawsuit, court case, case, legal action, litigation. | |
179 | Litigation | legal case, legal proceeding, legal action. | |
180 | Ex parte | Latin phrase meaning “from or on one side or party only” ; unjust, partisan, inequitable, partial, biased, one-sided. | |
181 | Proponents | champion, advocate, promoter, upholder, supporter, backer | |
182 | Emboldened | encourage, strengthen, fortify. | |
183 | Forensic | Related to the application of scientific methods and techniques to the investigation of crimes or other matters. | |
184 | Persona | The aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others. | |
185 | Depicted | Represented or shown in a particular way, especially in art or literature. | |
186 | Renowned | Well-known, famous, or highly regarded. | |
187 | Robust | Strong and healthy; vigorous or resilient. | |
188 | Tomography | A medical imaging technique that produces a detailed cross-section of the body. | |
189 | Interpolation | The process of estimating values within the range of a dataset. | |
190 | Anatomical | Related to the structure of organisms and their parts. | |
191 | Consistent | Always acting or behaving in the same way; in agreement or harmony. | |
192 | Pelvis | The lower part of the torso, situated between the abdomen and the legs. | |
193 | Chronic | Persisting for a long time or constantly recurring, typically of an illness or problem. | |
194 | Supplemented | Added something to complete or enhance it. | |
195 | Coherence | Logical and consistent connection or integration of parts. | |
196 | Dimensions | Measurements or aspects of something, such as width, height, or depth. | |
197 | Depictions | Representations in words, art, or images. | |
198 | Embraced | hold (someone) closely in one's arms, especially as a sign of affection or accept willingly | |
199 | Squeamish | easily made to feel sick or disgusted | |
200 | livestock | farm animals regarded as an asset. | |
201 | Tracts | an area of land, typically a large one. | |
202 | Pungent | having a sharply strong taste or smell. | |
203 | Slash | cut with a wide, sweeping movement, typically using a knife or sword. | |
204 | Substantial | concerning the essentials of something. | |
205 | Offspring | the product or result of something. | |
206 | Sweep | move swiftly and smoothly. | |
207 | Frenzy | a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behaviour. | |
208 | Overabundance | an excessive quantity. | |
209 | Abound | exist in large numbers or amounts. | |
210 | Resist | to set oneself against someone or something, oppose | |
211 | Outpace | to move or develop faster than someone or something else | |
212 | Pace | a single step taken when walking or running. | |
213 | Leverage | use (something) to maximum advantage. | |
214 | Pioneer | a person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area. | |
215 | Buried | placed or hidden underground. | |
216 | Steadily | in a regular and even manner. | |
217 | Contemporary | living or occurring at the same time. | |
218 | Hail | (of a large number of objects) fall | |
219 | Commence | begin | |
220 | Proponent | a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or course of action. | |
221 | Inadvertently | without intention; accidentally. | |
222 | Intrude | put oneself deliberately into a place or situation where one is unwelcome or uninvited. | |
223 | Inhibition | a feeling that makes one self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way. | |
224 | Lapse | a brief or temporary failure of concentration, memory, or judgement. | |
227 | Resilient | quick to recover | |
228 | Snatch | quickly seize (something) in a rude or eager way. | |
229 | Notorious | famous or well known, typically for some bad quality | |
230 | Profound | (of a state, quality, or emotion) very great or intense. | |
231 | Abundance | a very large quantity of something. | |
232 | Potent | having great power, influence, or effect. | |
233 | Perish | die, especially in a violent or sudden way. | |
234 | Ample | enough or more than enough | |
235 | Plentiful | existing in or yielding great quantities; | |
236 | Yonder | the far distance. | |
237 | Confined | (of a space) restricted in area or volume; cramped | |
238 | Disperse | distribute or spread over a wide area. | |
239 | Fascinating | extremely interesting | |
240 | Thrive | (of a child, animal, or plant) grow or develop well | |
241 | Resemble | have a similar appearance to or qualities in common with (someone or something); look or seem like | |
242 | Enormous | very large in size, quantity, or extent. | |
243 | Poring | be absorbed in reading or studying (something). | |
244 | Resonance | the quality in a sound of being deep & full | |
245 | Applause | approval or praise expressed by clapping. | |
246 | Improvised | done or made using whatever is available | |
247 | Intricate | very complicated or detailed. | |
248 | Fragile | (of an object) easily broken or damaged. | |
249 | Ruts | a habit or pattern of behaviour that has become dull and unproductive but is hard to change. | |
250 | Crevices | a narrow opening, especially in a rock or wall. | |
251 | Drift | a continuous slow movement from one place to another. | |
252 | Hemmed | surrounded | |
253 | Grinding | he reduction of something to small particles or powder by crushing it. | |
254 | Scraping | the act of removing the surface from something using a sharp edge or something rough | |
255 | Craggy | rough and uneven. | |
256 | Lament | express passionate grief about. | |
257 | Invetible | a situation that is unavoidable. | |
258 | Fate | be predestined | |
259 | Raucus | making or constituting a disturbingly harsh and loud noise. | |
260 | Collapse | suddenly fall down | |
261 | Deafening | so loud as to make it impossible to hear anything else. | |
262 | Calve | split and shed | |
263 | Enormous | very large in size, quantity, or extent. | |
264 | Seismic | relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth and its crust. | |
265 | Acoustic | relating to sound or the sense of hearing. | |
266 | Cacaphony | a harsh discordant mixture of sounds | |
267 | Preliminary | initial, prior | |
268 | Hydroacoustic | the study of sound in water and its applications | |
269 | Wailing | crying with pain, grief, or anger. | |
270 | Emanate | Originate | |
271 | Avalanche | a mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside. | |
272 | Tumble | lose one's balance | |
273 | Clang | a loud, resonant metallic sound or series of sounds. | |
274 | Deploy | bring into effective action. | |
275 | Enigmatic | difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious. | |
276 | Disintegrate | break apart | |
277 | Chunks | a thick, solid piece of something. | |
278 | Compensate | give (someone) something, typically money, in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury incurred | |
279 | Fragile | (of an object) easily broken or damaged. | |
280 | Vulnerable | lacking protection from danger or resistance against attack | |
281 | Scrape | drag or pull a hard or sharp implement across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or other matter. | |
282 | Compliance | the state of being in accordance with established guidelines | |
283 | Horrifying | causing horror; extremely shocking. | |
284 | Weariness | extreme tiredness | |
285 | Swayed | control or influence (a person or course of action) | |
286 | Implored | beg someone desperately to do something | |
287 | Firmly | with little possibility of movement; securely. | |
288 | Desist | stop doing something | |
289 | Emulation | the process of copying something achieved by someone else | |
290 | Indulging | allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of. | |
291 | Propel | drive or push something forwards. | |
292 | Incorrigible | (of a person or their behaviour) not able to be changed or reformed. | |
293 | Applaud | show approval or praise by clapping. | |
294 | Camaraderie | mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together. | |
295 | Meticulously | extremely careful and thorough | |
296 | Unprecented | never done or known before. | |
297 | Menace | a person or thing that is likely to cause harm | |
298 | Grappling | to fight, especially in order to win something | |
299 | Brunt | the worst part or chief impact of a specified action | |
300 | Derail | Distract | |
301 | Exacerbate | make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse. |
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Satpal Singh & team were very helpful with my quick preparation for IELTS, even though I contacted them at the very end moment. Nandita was very prompt with her communication and feedback. Totally recommend them for your IELTS preparation. Helped me achieve a 8.5 band score with hardly a couple days of preparation and practice. I would Highly recommend this Coaching Institute to all.
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