Describe a time when you stuck in traffic jam | IELTS Coaching

Describe a time when you stuck in traffic jam

You should say

Modal Answer 1

• When and where it happened?
• How long you were in the traffic jam?
• What you did while waiting?
• And explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam.

When and where it happened?

I remember a time when I was stuck in a traffic jam in India. It was a normal day and I was traveling from Chennai to Bangalore. I was on my way to the airport and I had to catch a flight to Delhi. Unfortunately, I was delayed due to the traffic jam.

How long you were in the traffic jam?

I was stuck in a traffic jam for almost two hours. It was quite a long time, especially when I had to catch a flight. The roads were heavily congested and although I had left with ample time, I was still running late.

What you did do while waiting?

I had no choice but to wait it out. I was quite anxious and anxious but I tried to keep my cool. To pass the time, I decided to listen to some music on my phone. I also read a few articles and news stories to keep myself distracted.

Explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam.

I was quite frustrated and angry being stuck in a traffic jam. I was worried about missing my flight and the thought of being late for an important meeting was very stressful. I was also feeling a bit helpless because I had no control over the situation.


Overall, it was a very unpleasant experience and I was relieved when I eventually reached my destination. I learned a valuable lesson from this experience, which was to always allow for extra time in case of traffic jams.

Describe a time when you stuck in traffic jam

You should say

Modal Answer 1

• When and where it happened?
• How long you were in the traffic jam?
• What you did while waiting?
• And explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam.

Describe a time when you stuck in traffic jam | IELTS Coaching

When and where it happened?

I recall a day when I was stuck in a traffic jam in Delhi, India. It was a few years ago, and I was on my way to an important meeting. The roads were already congested with traffic, and I had no idea that I’d be stuck in a jam.

How long you were in the traffic jam?

I was stuck in the traffic jam for nearly two hours. It was a long and tedious wait, especially since I had to be at the meeting on time. The traffic just didn’t seem to move and it was agonizingly slow.

What you did do while waiting?

I made the most of the time by catching up on some work. I had some emails to reply to, so I did that while I was stuck in a traffic jam. I also called up a few people to check in on them and see how they were doing.

Explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam.

I must admit that I felt quite frustrated when I was stuck in the traffic jam. I was anxious and worried about not making it to the meeting on time. I was also angry at the traffic situation in Delhi and wished that the authorities could do something about it.


It was a very unpleasant experience being stuck in a traffic jam in Delhi. It was a lesson for me to plan my trips better and always leave extra time for traffic delays. I also felt more sympathetic toward people who have to commute to Delhi every day because of the traffic situation.

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