Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop

Modal Answer

You should say :

When and where did it happened?
What happened?
How was it solved?
And explain how you felt about the experience? 

When and where it happened? 

I love eating outside and sometimes on weekends I order food from restaurants in our city. And, if the weather is good, I go and eat at these restaurants. Last week, I ordered a pizza for me and my nephew. It was a home delivery. When I ordered, I asked them to make this with no spice because my nephew does not eat spicy food. He is only 4. That is why I always order pizza and ask the restaurants to make it under cook. So that I get a little soft and he can easily chew with his teeth.

What happened? 

On the same day, my demands were also the same. But I received a spicy pizza with  some burnt slices. My nephew was so excited to have a pizza but I could not give him. And, he started crying.

How it was solved?

I called the restaurant and complained about the food I got. Their answer was that they are so busy. Well, I was a little upset and then, they offered  to have remade food and also with no charge on delivery. I waited for one hour and then, I finally got my food.

And explain how you felt about the experience? 

It was a disappointing time for me. But next time, I learned that I should not order food from a busy restaurant. Either I should make it at home or order after checking their peak hours. to have remade food and also with no charge on delivery. I waited for one hour and then, I finally got my food.

Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop

Modal Answer

You should say :

When and where did it happened?
What happened?
How was it solved?
And explain how you felt about the experience? 

When and where it happened?

It was the Christmas weekend and we friends decided to get together for a lazy lunch at a prominent outdoor restaurant. This restaurant is very popular among the college going crowd and serves all kinds of cuisines.

What happened at the restaurant ? 

Once we were seated at a huge table, we decided on the menu and ordered the food. At first, the starters were served in good time. However, the main course was not served despite several requests. Also, the manager was nowhere visible.

How was it solved ? 

When the order was not served for an eternity then I went up to the manager and complained about the situation. On my complaint, the manager took the initiative and finally the food was served at the table. However, due to this, some of my friends were in a foul mood for the rest of the lunch.

And explain how you felt about the experience 

It was after a long gap that we had all planned a get together. However, due to the shoddy service at this popular restaurant, the mood was not as jubilant as it should have been. I further refrained from planning any get- togethers at that restaurant. 

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Nilda Koizumi

    This is a very good tips especially to those new to blogosphere, brief and accurate information… Thanks for sharing this one. A must read article.

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