Describe a historical place you would like to know more about

You should say

Modal Answer 1 :

You Should say:

What kind of place it is?
What does it look like?
Where it is?
Explain how the place is related to history.

What kind of place it is? 

The place I would like to know more about is the War Memorial located inside the India Gate of New Delhi. 

What does it look like? 

It is basically a circular path with a holy flame continuously lit to commemorate the memories of Indian brave soldiers and the sacrifices they made to protect the country. On the walls of the circular path, there are many pictures and sculptures related to historical events depicting the wars fought by these national heroes. 

Where it is?

It is located in the central Delhi area, near cannnaught place which is surrounded by greenery all around. The location is also near to the residential society belonging to the chief ministers of the country. 

Explain how the place is related to history.

As mentioned about the soldiers, this place has more than 13000 memorials and the best part is that once in a week, the family of any soldier is invited there to be part of the prayer ceremony held for the sacrifice done by the respected soldier. As I do not know the clear significance of this ceremony and many others that are organized in the war memorial regularly, this particular place attracts me to know more about it. I love the way people pay their obeisance to the holy souls who just gave away their lives to keep up the name and respect of their countrymen forgetting their loved ones.

Describe a historical place you would like to know more about

You should say

Modal Answer 1 :

You Should say:

What kind of place it is?
What does it look like?
Where it is?
Explain how the place is related to history.

Which period it is?

History is a very interesting subject as it tells you about what processes led to the present. A particular part of history that I would love to know more about is the Indus valley civilization.

How you know about this period of history?

I had learned about this a long time back when we had to do a project on the earliest civilizations of the world. It was then that I picked up interest in this civilization.

What its importance is in history?

This particular time period holds a very important place in the history of the world as the Indus valley civilization was one of the world’s first civilizations and your detailed study of this civilization can teach us how the earlier civilizations used to function in terms of society, polity and religion.

What you want to know more about this period?

I would like to know more about the art of the Indus valley civilization and the social and religious practices that were carried out. I am keen on knowing how people interacted and socialized with each other during that time. What festivities they carried out and how it evolved.

Describe a historical place you would like to know more about

You should say

Modal Answer 1 :

You Should say:

What kind of place it is?
What does it look like?
Where it is?
Explain how the place is related to history.

Which period is it ?

I find the Mughal period one of the most interesting period of Indian History. It is also referred to as the golden period of India. Many of the structures that we find in the capital city Delhi and Agra have been built by the Mughals.

Why do you find this period interesting? 

The Mughals ruled India for 331 years from 1526-1857 and it is the longest dynasty chronicled in Indian history. The Mughals were fond of education and culture. Rulers of this period implemented measures to spread education and cultural development. Additionally, economy also flourished during this period paving the way for international trade. The earlier Mughal kings ruled over a vast area and were strong rulers who made considerable improvements in all areas.

How can you find out more about this period? 

There are a series of history books written by prominent historians, travelogues by people who travelled from far and wide to the Mughal Kingdoms at different time period, as well as artefacts preserved in many national museums which contains a lot of information about this period. These are veritable resources to learn more about this period. Other than that, one can know more about this dynasty by visiting the various palaces, forts and mausoleums which also have dedicated museums where articles and chronicles can be found.

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