Describe A Movie You Would Like To Watch Again

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You Should say:
> When you saw this movie?
> With whom you saw this movie?
> What the movie is about?
> Why do you want to watch this movie again?

When you saw this movie? With whom you saw this movie?

I love to watch movies with my friends or family. I saw this movie with my friends after we completed our secondary school examinations. It was our last day of exams and we planned to go out for movie after the final exam. We were also excited as it was a new movie which had been released and the reviews were all good.

What the movie was about?

The movie’s plot revolved around a school going girl who wished to become a pilot, but had no financial support to pursue a degree. But with her determination and passion she managed to grab a scholarship from a renowned university in India. The movie broke all the records and was a blockbuster hit amongst the youth.

Why do you want to watch this movie again?

This movie not only inspired me but also had a great impact on the budding children who hail from a rural area and economically backward strata of society. Every time someone talks about this movie my heart gets filled with emotions of achieving something extraordinary, driving me to work hard for my goals. Hard work always pays off. 

Describe A Movie You Would Like To Watch Again

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Modal Answer 1 :

You Should say:
> When you saw this movie?
> With whom you saw this movie?
> What the movie is about?
> Why do you want to watch this movie again?


There are numerous sources of entertainment, but movies are the one that never fail to uplift my mood or let me get bored. They project something that is very relatable to our day to day life. Many times it just lits up our mind with knowledge or just lightens up our day with humour.

When you saw this movie? With whom you saw this movie?

It was Sunday I remember, in the month of August this year. I literally had no work to do and I was all alone at home, as everyone had gone to attend a wedding. So just in order to  pass my time I was randomly surfing  netflix where I came across this movie called ‘Thank God’. So I thought to give it a try, though I had never heard anything about it. 

What the movie is about?

Basically, the movie is an eye-opener. It is about the harsh reality of life, how every human act, whether good or bad gets registered in heaven. How our every act of kindness or even a feeling of jealousy also does not go unnoticed. It is about a broker who dies in a car accident and then when he wakes up in heaven has to play a game of life, wherein all his good and bad deeds are questioned. He is then also given a chance to rectify his mistakes and sins. And if he wins then he can go to back to his family on earth.

Why do you want to watch this movie again? 

I am a very spiritual person, I certainly believe that whatever happens is the god’s sign in some way or the other. So I got to watch this movie at that point of time in my life where I used to take things for granted. And post watching this movie I felt like I have got a life-lesson or a warning from god as somehow it is just like a projection of what exactly might happen after I die. So the principles taught in the movie I would never want to forget and to keep them fresh in mind I would like to watch it again and again and in fact would recommend this movie to other people too, irrespective of any age.

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