Describe a program that you watched on the Internet.

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What was the program about ?

These days the Internet is flooded with a plethora of choices with content on varied topics and subjects.  However,  today I am going to talk about a particular series that I watched on YouTube. It is a five- part series on the life of Anne frank who died in the Second World War during Nazi occupation of Germany and  adjoining countries.

When did you watch it and with whom ?

Most of the time I like watching entertainment programs with my family, however this was one show that I wanted to watch alone. I had read the book and I knew how intense this series is likely to be.

Did you like it?

Since I had read the book already I knew the storyline. Yet, I wanted to watch the dramatization and interplay of characters on screen and I must say that the series was a wonderful watch. It starts with Anne Frank and her sister leading a normal life to the more hard times when after Nazi occupation of Germany, the family fled to Amsterdam and later went into hiding as Jews were being prosecuted by Hitler’s Germany. The book is a revelation of a 13-year-old girl’s dreams who is confined to the attic of a building while the world outside goes by.  Despite all precautions, the family was caught and sent to an extermination camp. There just two weeks before the liberation of the camps by the Allied Forces, Anne Frank tragically dies.

 The characterization and flow of the story is handled expertly in the series and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Each part depicted vividly ways of life before the World War and later in the refugee camps. It appeared almost realistic and gave me goosebumps.

Describe a program that you watched on the Internet.

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Sample Answer 1

  • What was the program about?
  • When did you watch it & with whom you watched?
  • How popular it is?
  • Did you like it?

What was the program about? 

I am not a huge fan of watching shows or programmes on e-platforms but one such wildlife show I watched that I really liked was based on the lives of wild animals who are now endangered and are on the verge of extinction.

When did you watch it  & with whom you watched?

During my summer vacations I visited my grandmother’s house which has a huge home theatre and that is the place where I watched the show with my grandmother.

Did you like it?

My cousins insisted me to watch the program as they themselves have a keen interest in watching animal and environment related programs. I personally felt a sense of knowledge after I watched the show. It gave us a great insight into the lives of animals and how we should all contribute towards them by saving their habitat . Saving animals is very important before all of them become extinct. 

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