Band 6.5 Sample:
The number of people who are at risk of health problems due to being overweight is increasing.
What is the reason for the growth of overweight people in society? How can this problem be solved?
You should write at least 250 words.
The proportion of the population who are likely to suffer from health issues due to excessive weight gain is on the rise. There are multiple reasons for this phenomenon, primarily being unhealthy food habits. While this scenario is worrisome, by adopting certain measures both at the macro and micro level, it can be easily addressed.
In the past few years, the population of overweight people has primarily increased due to unhealthy food habits. Most children are now in the habit of having fast foods which have little nutritional value resulting in obese children. Similarly, youths who are restricted to desk jobs and long hours often are left with no time to cook. They often order food from delis that are often not healthy, resulting in excess weight gain. Additionally, with a busy urban life, most people hardly have time to exercise. In such cases too, weight gain plays a potent factor further resulting in health issues like high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
While this problem of overweight population is increasing to epic proportions, it can be curbed with more stringent measures. In the case of children and teens, parents and school authorities will need to be more vigilant. In this respect, governments should ensure that fast food outlets are not allowed to operate within a three kilometers radius of the schools. Moreover, the government should make sure that the nutritional value or harmful effects are highlighted on the label of the food item. Young adults should be integrated into health campaigns to increase the awareness about benefits of having nutritious food. Additionally, yoga camps, dedicated days for sports events and physical training should be regularly promoted by the government to ensure a healthy population.
To conclude, the problem of the growing number of overweight people needs to be addressed on a serious note world over, before it becomes an epidemic. Individuals and the government will need to take concrete steps to curb the situation from escalating further.

Band 6.5 Sample:
The number of people who are at risk of health problems due to being overweight is increasing.
What is the reason for the growth of overweight people in society? How can this problem be solved?
You should write at least 250 words.
Being healthy is vital for a human, but nowadays the fear of being overweight in the populace is pushing them towards illnesses. There are multifarious reasons behind the sedentary lifestyle of people and necessary steps should be taken to solve the problem.
People are becoming more fatigued and are attracting more life-threatening diseases due to sedentary lifestyles. Firstly, with increasing competition in society, humans generally have no time for physical activities. In other words, lack of exercise in their daily lives is definitely the most important reason why people are gaining weight these days. Secondly, consuming junk food without thinking about its effects is also one major reason for the increased obesity. Although junk food if consumed in limit with proper exercise would not be a problem, human beings do not stick to fitness, which escalates their weight and leads to deteriorating effects on their health. For instance, in European countries where people have hectic schedules, because of their office work, they do not get time to exercise much and henceforth become overweight with time.
However, there are multitudes of ways to tackle the problem of increasing weight in public. Governmental bodies could spare a subsidized part of taxes collected from locals in building fitness centers for the general public at no cost, which will not only tempt people towards these centers, but would definitely push them to workout and stay fit. Moreover, spreading knowledge of being healthy and the effects of being overweight through advertisements and public speaking campaigns by professionals will help humans to learn and exercise regularly.
Ultimately, although exacerbating lifestyle and junk food have played a major role in disturbing the fitness of people, if the Government will step out to solve the problem, either by opening yoga centers or by active public speaking, it would definitely solve the situation.
Band 6.5 Sample:
The number of people who are at risk of health problems due to being overweight is increasing.
What is the reason for the growth of overweight people in society? How can this problem be solved?
You should write at least 250 words.
The masses are struggling with risk of health problems as more people are becoming obese.The reason for the growth in overweight masses in society is because of their sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle.
To commence with, the main reason for the growth in overweight of people is because of their sedentary lifestyle as masses nowadays do not want to go outside and indulge themselves in physical activities such as playing sports instead they play online games and scroll social media while sitting on their beds. For example, a survey conducted by Times Now proved that the increased screen time has skyrocketed the number of obese teenagers in the last five years from ten percent to seventy percent in the present times. In addition, dietary habits also play a pivotal role in the obesity epidemic. The prevalence of fast food and processed meals has skyrocketed, offering convenient yet nutritionally deficient options to consumers. These foods are often high in sugars, unhealthy fats, and additives, contributing significantly to weight gain and poor metabolic health. Studies have shown a clear link between frequent consumption of fast food and an increased risk of obesity and related chronic diseases.
However, this issue can be resolved if a person adopts a healthy lifestyle like eating nutritious foods such as green vegetables and fruits that will help to lower the fat percentage leading to decrease in the percentage of fat people in the society. Also, promoting physical activity is paramount. Encouraging individuals, particularly the youth, to participate in regular exercise and outdoor activities can counteract the sedentary lifestyle epidemic. Schools and communities should prioritize physical education and provide accessible facilities for sports and recreational activities to promote a healthier lifestyle from a young age.
In the conclusion, it can be said that the sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle is affecting the health problems of masses and that can be fixed by encouraging physical activity and promoting healthier eating habits, societies can work towards reducing obesity rates and improving overall public health.