As there are constant newer advancements in technology, it has become difficult for the older people to keep up with it. Despite there being significant benefits, they are not able to use technology for functionality. We must make certain changes or make it a little more adaptable for them so that it can be used for their convenience. 

The new and rapid changes in the tech field we use are extremely useful for the younger generation. The older generation on the other hand finds it troublesome to learn them. At times, there is something written in small text that is not clearly visible to them or there might be some upgrade options available which they miss as they are not tech savvy. Although if one tries, the internet and the mobile can be of great use even to the older people.

The older generation can easily have access to the news, weather updates and even shop online from their mobile phones. They may need medical consultation, which they can easily get from their phones. They can also talk and interact with their distant family members and keep in touch.

Despite the benefits, the idea of learning newer technology intimidates them. A way of countering this hesitation could be to simplify the user interfaces of applications so that they become user friendly for the elderly. This can be done through various ways, first of which can be to increase the text size. Next could be by not making complex and multi – step processes. Adding audio options like ‘Siri’ in I – phones and ‘Okay Google’ in Android phones is also a good option and increases its accessibility.

In conclusion, technology can be an asset of equal relevance to the older generation as it is to the younger one. We must be supportive in helping them navigate the new technology, so they too can reap its benefits.

Mobile phones and the Internet offer several benefits to the elderly: better communication opportunities, access to information, and the management of health and money. But all these do not make the older generation enthusiastic about using these technologies, simply because they are unfamiliar with them and find them too complex—sometimes, due to physical limitations.

Mobile phones and the Internet should be made useful to the aged by accentuating possible ways in which such tools could enhance their lives. An example is mobile phones, which could help a senior stay in communication with family and friends through video calls, which would keep them from feeling isolated. The Internet also gives access to health information, online banking, and social media, among other things, thus enabling older people to remain informed and socially active.

There are a few ways of helping older people accept new technologies. Firstly, easy-to-use devices may be provided, and the screens should be large to enable automatic syncing of simple interfaces. Secondly, assurance of customer service and training sessions can be done through community centers, libraries, or local governmental levels to make the users gain confidence in using mobile phones as well as the Internet.

Including family will be a good way to support the senior in which he or she can freely ask questions about the apps and also explore them without any reservations. The younger generation will help bridge this technological gap with their senior relatives by being patient and encouraging.

In conclusion, both mobile phones and the Internet hold the potential to benefit old people; they help in the exchange of information and allow them to maintain their social contacts. It is hoped that, through appropriate education and easy-to-use devices, more and more seniors will adopt and experience such technologies with the support of their families.

Although the internet and mobile phones in many ways can make life easier for elderly people however, most of them find it cumbersome and the number of users are far less. Mobile phone and internet connectivity can be valuable to the elderly population and to make it more popular among this segment in multiple ways, it can be made more user  friendly.

The advent of technology has made life easier for most people. It can be used in many ways to help the elderly population as well. Most aged people lead a lonely life as most of their children have either left or are too busy to spend time with them. The internet can help to open up a whole new world to them. It can be used in more ways than one, to connect with friends and family or to make new friends, to learn something or just as a source of entertainment. Further with the help of  mobile phones the elderly people can connect with their loved ones at the click of a button, especially during any kind of medical emergency. 

While such devices and mode of connectivity is popular among the younger generation, the older generation often find it difficult. The need therefore is of a mobile phone with fewer features which would make it easy to operate. Also, dedicated internet related audio-visual presentations can help to make it popular among this age group. Family members should also try to help the elderly members to be more technology friendly by highlighting it’s benefits. 

To conclude, in this era it is impossible to function without mobile phones or internet. The elderly population need to be initiated into it through concerted efforts so that they too can avail its benefits. 

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