You are currently viewing #91 DESCRIBE A FILM THAT IMPRESSED YOU A LOT


Describe a film that impressed you a lot | IELTS Cue Card | IELTS

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Sample Answer

  • When and where you watched it?

  • What was the movie about?

  • Why you chose to watch it?

  • How you felt about it? And explain why it made you think so?

When and where you watched it?

I usually like watching bollywood movies and one of my favourite movie is Aitraaz. I watched it long back along with my friends in a movie hall at a multiplex near my sisters residence.

What was the movie about?

The movie was based on feminism and its impact on the society. It highlighted its importance in the developing countries and the way women in these countries suffered for their rights. Along with this concept, it had a romantic drama of a couple displaying true love. 

Why you chose to watch it?

I chose to watch this as the idea of being a feminist always inspires me and the backed with the intense drama related to this. Also, I wanted to spend some quality time with my friends and be out of the daily work life I have. 

How you felt about it? And explain why it made you think so?

These kind of movies should be made more in number to teach the youth and change the mindset of the older generations. The movie was picturised so well that my eyes were completely glued to the screen till the end of the movie. The romantic songs were quite melodious and kind of gave me a soothing feeling to relax and enjoy the moment. The best part of the movie was the message it portrayed and influence the society to accept the change and encourage women to play an active role in life. 

Who this person is & where you had the conversation?

We have daily conversations with different people on various topics. We remember certain conversations, as they leave an impact on us. I remember one such conversation with my grandmother that I had regarding money management. We had this conversation during lockdown when we were having dinner.

What you talked about?

The conversation started from how everything was on a hault during lockdown, and money had to be used wisely. My grandmother told me how important it is to save from what we have. Saving should be a habit whether the amount is small or big, one should develop a habit of saving as you never know when the need arrives. Life is a roller coaster and we do not know when it takes a turn. When we save, in the need of hour, we can optimally utilise it.

And explain how you felt about the experience.

The experience was an eye opener for me, as I realised that if I develop the habit of saving while I am young, it will prove to be helpful once I grow up. It is for our own good if we have ample amount of savings at our end to be used at the right time or when the need arrives.

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