Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in

You should say

Modal Answer 1 :

You Should say:
> Where it is?
> How did you know it?
> How often do you go there?
> What do you do there?
> And explain why you like the place.

Where it is? 

Everyone likes to spend some quality time, whether it is youngsters or elder people. I live in a very noisy and hustling bustling locality so it is very hard to find a quiet place to visit.

But the place where my grandmother resides is very tranquil and peaceful. It has a  calm and composed national library.

 How did you know it?

I know this place since my mom has been born and brought up there only. We keep visiting this place every six months.

 How often do you go there?

I have been there quite a few times when I was living with my grandmother, infact I studied there only for my secondary school final examinations. Now also as I said we visit every 6 months.

What do you do there & explain why you like the place?

It is  a library and various students from all different fields of education study there.  The environment is very optimistic which catches my attention every time I go there. There is no disturbance there .

Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in

You should say

Modal Answer 1 :

You Should say:
> Where it is?
> How did you know it?
> How often do you go there?
> What do you do there?
> And explain why you like the place.


In this hustle and bustle, there is a dire need for everyone to have some hours of solace. The new trend calls it detoxification, but I personally believe this is something that should be followed as a practice.

Where it is?

In the heart of the country India, there is a state called Amritsar which has a beautiful shrine known as Sri Harmandir Sahib. It is also referred to as ‘the golden temple’. This is the quiet place I visit to and like spending time the most.

How did you know it?

When I was a child, my parents used to take me to golden temple during my summer vacation or autumn break. So being a part of a sikh community, it is an integral part of our lives to visit there at least once in our lifetime.

How often do you go there?

Whenever I feel completely exhausted mentally and physically both, or I have had months of a monotonous routine, I look forward to visit this temple, though it would be just once or twice a year.

What do you do there? And explain why you like the place.

As this is a place of worship, most of the times there are hymns being played enchanting god’s name. Many pilgrims visit there and everyone has their own ways to connect to god, some sit and recite god’s name and some  service, I just simply sit there and close my eyes. Meditating on god’s name and trying to connect with the supreme power gives immense peace. There are many other temples across the globe. But the peace and serenity this place has, cannot be put into words. It helps me settle all the worries and anxiety I have within me.

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