Describe a sport you have watched before but not played yourself

You should say

Sample Answer :

Which sport is it ?
Why do you like this sport ?
Reasons for not playing it yourself ?

Which sport is it ?

I have always loved watching sports matches live. As a child we were often taken to watch interschool sporting events. It was only on one occasion that I got an opportunity to watch a lawn tennis match. Since then I have developed a deep interest in the game and avidly follow all the major events like the Wimbledon and the French Open.
Why do you like this sport ?

Lawn Tennis is an individual game and requires immense strength and resilience. To be a prominent player in this sport requires years of practice and discipline along with precision in the game. I simply love to watch the players return the volleys and rally hard to score each point. Since the game is played in three or five sets the duration of each game is quite long. It is wonderful to watch the players volley and lawn tennis remains one of the most popular among all individual games all over the world.
Reasons for not playing it yourself ?

While I love watching the game but I never had the opportunity to play it as a child. There were very few clubs back then that offered lawn tennis grounds. There is a facility at the sports club near to my place now but I have very little free time to follow my passion. Hopefully once I complete my college, I will take it up.

Describe a sport you have watched before but not played yourself

You should say

Sample Answer :

Which sport is it ?
Why do you like this sport ?
Reasons for not playing it yourself ?

Which sport is it?

Who does not like sports activities or a healthy lifestyle.. I am a person who loves sports and other co – curricular activities. I myself play badminton and basketball in my free time. One should be involved in one or the other sports activity as it is good for health too.

Why do you like this sport?

 I like volleyball too, but have never played this sport. As a child, my father used to take me with him to the club where I saw volleyball matches, but when I realized it takes strength to hit the ball and be that spontaneous on the ground, I started liking this sport all the more. Since my school days, I have been involved in extra – curricular activities as I was always passionate about it.  

 What are the reasons for not playing it yourself?

However, I never played it as I never got the chance to do the same as I was more involved in badminton. There was no specific reason though, but given a chance now, I would love to create a team of mine and play volleyball with them for fun sake. I want to feel that adrenaline rush that I sure will be experiencing while playing this same game. 

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    Thank you for providing this information.

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