Describe a time when you saw something interesting on social media.

Modal Answer

You should say :

What you saw?
Where you saw it?
How you felt about it?
and explain why you think it was interesting.


What you saw

Some days back, I was just relaxing near my window, sitting on the couch, and having my cup of tea. As usual, I just started scrolling social media and found an amazing product that heals calluses on the human foot.

Where you saw it

I saw this video telecasted by Frido company on Instagram. 

How you felt about it

Initially, I was a bit doubtful about the product because I had already gone through a lot of treatments and the result was just a failure, nothing was actually helping me heal the problem I had been suffering for the last one year. Having gone through so many treatments, I just wanted to give one last chance and check if I may be able to walk properly again.

and explain why you think it was interesting.

I feel it’s not just an interesting video that I saw but an amazing product that I came across. As soon as I purchased it online, I began to use it, and the magic was that within two days I was able to walk in a normal way. It had taken away all my pain and the uneasiness I suffered while walking. I was so thankful to Frido for telecasting such a product live online as many people just keep suffering because doctors normally are money-minded and do not provide the right guidance. The video was made in such a fascinating way that it explained the entire usage of the foot healers and the way it will give the right padding making the patient feel relaxed. I am so thankful that such informative videos are played on social networking accounts because these help the common people in such nice ways. 

Describe a time when you saw something interesting on social media.

Modal Answer

You should say :

What you saw?
Where you saw it?
How you felt about it?
and explain why you think it was interesting.


What was it ? 

Few days back as I was scrolling through my social media, I came across a short video on how to click photographs and make it look more professional. The hacks were simple and I found it very useful.

In what way did you find it useful? 

The video creator first specifically highlighted the usual mistakes people make while clicking photographs. Next she explained how taking shots from certain angles can make a huge difference. The video also talked about the hacks one can employ by taking advantage of the background to make the photos look more sleek.

Why was it interesting? 

I went through the video at least thrice as I love to click photographs. I noted all the details mentioned in the video and implemented it. To my amazement, the pictures I clicked looked fabulous, as if taken by a professional photographer. Recently my friend too complimented me on a particular photo I had taken of a wooded area at sunset. She said I had perfectly captured the light and shadow play. 

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