Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing

Modal Answer

You should say :

When did it happen? How long have you waited?
Why did you wait for a long time?
Explain how you felt about the experience.

When did it happen? How long have you waited?

This nice thing that I am going to discuss happened around a year ago. It was an unforgettable memory that my friend and I created for ourselves after meeting around seven long years. Although we were connected through social media and video calls, we could not meet because of the long distance between us. 

Why did you wait for a long time?

As mentioned we waited for seven years to catch up with each other, hug each other, and party throughout. Having friends with close-knits is like a blessing and I love to have this favour of GOD on me. She is not just my friend but also like a God-sent angel in my life who has been like a rock support in all my bad times. 

Explain how you felt about the experience.

At first, when we met, it was an emotional moment as I was meeting her baby for the first time. We had a gala time with each other and enjoyed every moment. We fulfilled all our desires of eating together, shopping together and even going for picnics and holidays. The entire time was extremely relaxing and rejuvenating. We spent quality time with each other, shared all her hardships and discussed the way we probably can come out of it. Also, we discussed our future plans and doing all these together gave us a sense of satisfaction. 

Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing

Modal Answer

You should say :

When did it happen? How long have you waited?
Why did you wait for a long time?
Explain how you felt about the experience.

What was the thing? 

Last January, we planned to renovate our house. We had been living in this house for a long time, and it was in desperate need of paint and repair. So we hired an architect and went over the plans in detail. He suggested some elaborate changes so for the next few months we had to vacate the flat and shift to an adjoining unit. 

Why did you have to wait so long ? 

The reconstruction started in the month of January and by February the repair work was done. However after that it took a long time to execute the architect’s vision on paper into reality. Each room had to be repaired, repainted and the furniture had to be installed which took considerable time. 

The living room furniture had to be refurbished and the light fittings had to be installed. Also we had to make several trips to the market to get the right fabric for draperies, beds and furniture to match the décor. To give our home a plush look we also collected several pieces of art, pottery and carpets. 

Were you satisfied with the results? 

It took a long seven months to complete the renovation work but we were very satisfied with the end result. Our home looked awesome once everything was in place. Often guests who visit our place appreciate the effort we put in. The long wait was worth every bit.

Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing

Modal Answer

You should say :

When did it happen? How long have you waited?
Why did you wait for a long time?
Explain how you felt about the experience.

When did it happened?

Honestly speaking, it is hard for me to wait for anything or anyone for a long time. It happened last year when I waited for a nice thing for two months.

What the nice thing was? 

It was a nice necklace with my name that my parents wanted to give me on my birthday. Actually, they live in India and last year I was in Canada on my birthday. My cousin had a trip from Canada to India. And my parents wanted to send this necklace through him because he was coming back to Canada after a two month vacation. 

How long you waited?

Waiting for two months for the precious thing was hard. I was counting days on my fingers. Why you waited for a long time 

As it was a gift from my parents specially for my birthday. That is why I was super excited to see it and could not wait for long. 

And explain how you felt about the experience?

Waiting was tough but I had patience and I finally got that necklace on my neck after two months’ wait. I was so happy on that day. Now, I wear this necklace whenever I go outside. I got so many compliments from my friends that it looks nice on me. 

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