Describe a public facility( for example a museum or a library ) that been renovated and improved recently

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Sample Answer :

What is the facility?
When was it renovated and improved?
What has been renovated and improved?

What is the facility?

The facility was a local library, it was pretty small before and its collection was also not very great, it had basically nothing in its fiction section and almost everything it had was business and politics both things I have only a passing interest in. 

When was it renovated and improved?

It was renovated last month, the work was taking place all around summer and they just recently opened for everyone with a new inauguration ceremony, they somehow managed to convince the education minister to be the chief guest, he didn’t stay for a very long time but it was amazing to think he even showed up.

What has been renovated and improved?

Before the renovation they had only one floor and it was always humid in there, you could not stay there for long without sweating, but now, they had a fully air conditioned two story building with a small cafe for snacks and drinks, they have also upgraded there collection by a lot, almost any title you can name they have it and if they dont it only takes them three business days to get it.

Describe a public facility( for example a museum or a library ) that been renovated and improved recently

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Sample Answer :

What is the facility?
When was it renovated and improved?
What has been renovated and improved?

What is the facility?

In my opinion, in India the biggest political issue has always been road transportation. There is a very famous quote by Lallu Prasad Yadav, who is a famous Indian politician, he once said ‘in other countries you find pud-holes on roads, but in India you have to find roads from pud-holes.’ The reason he said this is that the roads are not maintained properly, they are engraved with large pud-holes. But in recent years I have seen that there is a massive improvement in roads.

When was it renovated and improved?

Last year our local street was damaged because of a heavy downpour, and was not repaired until a few months back. Now you can walk and drive safely without the fear of falling into a sewage system.

What has been renovated and improved?

The roads are now accompanied with a 5-feet broad footpath and cycling-path, which is good for achieving our carbon-neutral mission. There are now proper markings for no-parking zones, and speed-limit sign boards.

Explain how you feel about it.

After watching this infant of my eyes, I feel that our country has achieved a lot as compared to the past, and we are now also progressing to achieve in making our country a developed nation.

Describe a public facility( for example a museum or a library ) that been renovated and improved recently

You should say

Sample Answer :

What is the facility?
When was it renovated and improved?
What has been renovated and improved?

What kind of public facility it is?

We have a huge state library in the heart of the town. This library was inaugurated a long time back and houses books from all disciplines. Apart from literary books it also has fictional books, magazines, newspapers and periodicals.

Why was there a need for renovation ?

Over the years, the building which also has an open amphitheatre and indoor stage and hall, looked shabby and dilapidated and was in urgent need of repainting and refurbishing. Recently, the state government undertook the arduous task to renovate the building.

In what ways has it improved after renovation?

The renovation work continued for more than 9 months and recently it was again opened to the general public. Keeping in mind the changing needs of society, the planning agencies have now incorporated a separate section to house a large number of computer systems complete with headphones. This will enable new-age learners to look up information from the internet and also listen to audio-books. Additionally there is now a small cafeteria complete with a vending machine. The stage and hall now has plush seats with state-of -the -art audio systems. 

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