Describe A Tourist Attraction That Very Few People Visit But You Think Is Interesting

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Sample Answer :

What/Where is the place?
What people can see there?
Why does it have less crowd?
hy does the place feel interesting to you?

What/Where is the place?
When I was a kid, and in 5th grade my school took me on an educational trip to the National Museum, Delhi. Our school annually organizes educational trips so that the students can have an amusement as well as they can also learn something new. The National Museum is in Central Delhi, where you will find all primary government buildings and headquarters of various departments. 

What people can see there?

There you can find artifacts, ornaments, tools, and other treasured items whose value can never be predicted. You can find artifacts from the Indus Valley Civilisation, around 5,000 years old, and to the period when India got independence. There were separate rooms for each period, it is a multi-storeyed building, and each floor is a remarkable evidence of India’s rich heritage. 

Why does it have less crowd?

The most surprising thing I found was that there were more foreigners than Indians. They were carrying pre-recorded earphones, in which you can have all details about the particular artifact, just by pressing a number which was given to each artifact, and you will hear an audio which will give you all details about the artifact. There foreign artists who were also making sketches of the ornaments. I find that Indians visit historical places for the sake of it, they do not value their cultural heritage. They will just take a glance at the artifact, stare at its beauty and move to the next one. 

Why does the place feel interesting to you?

I liked that place because the curator of the museum gave us all the information possible to us, and that became very interesting. The way he was explaining the importance of the artifacts, I found myself in that era. 

Describe A Tourist Attraction That Very Few People Visit But You Think Is Interesting

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Sample Answer :

What/Where is the place?
What people can see there?
Why does it have less crowd?
hy does the place feel interesting to you?

Which is this place?

Every year many people visit Mussoorie but very few people take a detour to a quaint little town called Landour. Established by the British Indian army, It is located 7 km away from Mussoorie. Most people visit the tourist attractions at Mussoorie as it is more popular, but Landour has much to offer. 

Why do you think the place interesting ?

It is a scenic little town with quiet pine groves, hidden trails and little gurgling streams. On clear sunny days, one can get a clear view of the Gangotri, Yamunotri and Kedarnath. What more, it is also the dwelling place of my favourite author Ruskin Bond. I love this quiet little town as it retains that old world charm with little shops and bakeries serving delectables. The sun peeping through the tall deodars, pines and firs, the fuzzy warm slanting rays on the hillside during autumn days and the colourful days of spring, all add to the beauty of this little hill station. 

Would you advise others to visit this place?

I would definitely advise people to visit this little town, as it offers the perfect short getaway from busy urban life. It is the ideal place to relax, catch up on reading and take lazy walks. The food available is simple but comes from local produce and is fresh. 

Many people think that it is a waste of time to visit this nondescript place but somehow I find it interesting and probably would again visit it when I get my next break.

Describe A Tourist Attraction That Very Few People Visit But You Think Is Interesting

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Sample Answer :

What/Where is the place?
What people can see there?
Why does it have less crowd?
hy does the place feel interesting to you?

What/Where is the place?

An unexplored tourist attraction would have to be the Faroe Islands located in the kingdom of Denmark located in the North Atlantic Ocean. They are situated approximately halfway between Iceland and Norway.

What people can see there?

There are a lot of fun activities people can enjoy there like a Hike to the Kallur Lighthouse on Kalsoy, I haven’t been there yet but I have heard that it has a breathtaking view, along with this they can also explore the charming village of Gjógv and its natural harbor.

Why does it have less crowd?

The main reason that not a lot of people visit there to my knowledge is because it is a very remote location and the weather conditions are not the best, aside from this not a lot of people even know about its existence in the first place

Why does the place feel interesting to you?

I think the place is interesting because of the name, it has an eary vibe, I would like to know why it is called that, and well if I end up disappointed with the reason, Ill try not to get too mad.

Describe A Tourist Attraction That Very Few People Visit But You Think Is Interesting

You should say

Sample Answer :

What/Where is the place?
What people can see there?
Why does it have less crowd?
hy does the place feel interesting to you?

What/Where is the place?
An unexplored tourist attraction would have to be the Faroe Islands located in the kingdom of Denmark located in the North Atlantic Ocean. They are situated approximately halfway between Iceland and Norway.

What people can see there?

There are a lot of fun activities people can enjoy there like Hike to the Kallur Lighthouse on Kalsoy, i haven’t been there yet but i have heard that it has a breathtaking view, along with this they can also explore the charming village of Gjógv and its natural harbor.

Why does it have less crowd?

The main reason that not a lot of people visit there to my knowledge is because it is a very remote location and the weather conditions are not the best, aside from this not a lot of people even know about its existence in the first place

Why does the place feel interesting to you?

I think the place is interesting because of the name, it has an eerie vibe, I would like to know why it is called that, and well if I end up disappointed with the reason, I’ll try not to get too mad.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Arjun710

    The name definitely adds an intriguing and mysterious touch! I’m curious to find out the backstory behind it as well. If the explanation turns out to be underwhelming, hopefully, the place itself will still have something interesting to offer. Thanks for sharing—I’m excited to learn more about it!

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