Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal.

You should say

Sample Answer :

Who is this person?
What does this person encourage you to do & How did this person help?
And explain why this encouragement helps you to achieve the goal.

Who is this person?

Every person has certain goals, in his or her life, because we all want to succeed. And as there goes a saying that -Behind every successful man there is a woman. Similarly, if you look at all the successful people in the world, they will always give credit to someone, who has played a significant role in shaping them, what they are today, in one way or the other. Similarly, I also have certain goals and ambitions, and some of them I have achieved and for some I am working to achieve. I will give credit to my parents. They have always motivated me to achieve whatever I want.

What does this person encourage you to do & How did this person help?

My mother always encourages me to fulfill all my ambitions, and she does this in many ways. Whenever I feel stressed I just get to her to seek her advice. She never tells me to lose hope and never look back at the path where you have started your journey.

And explain why this encouragement helps you to achieve the goal.

This encouragement gives me the necessary motivation to go beyond my boundaries, and work hard. I have a very bad habit of quitting over things, this motivation keeps me away from quitting and working on my goals, instead of just be worried about the ends. 

Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal.

You should say

Sample Answer :

Who is this person?
What does this person encourage you to do & How did this person help?
And explain why this encouragement helps you to achieve the goal.

Who the person is

It was my goal to become a skilful coding expert but I was always weak in mathematics and dreaded  every term-end examination. The pace was much faster than I could cope up with at school. I desperately needed help and that’s when my mother asked our neighbour to help me. While he was not a regular teacher but had in-depth knowledge of the subject. 

How did the person help you

At first I was apprehensive that he might teach at a level which I would not be able to grasp, but to my surprise for the first few classes he simply asked me questions on basic maths. It was then that I realised that, my basic concepts are not clear, and  that’s the reason why I faced so many problems with solving the sums. For the next few days he worked on my basic maths taught at primary level. Within two weeks I was able to look at a question and have a fair idea how to solve it. My calculation skills also improved and I made very few mistakes. 

In what way was it significant 

Within the next three months I could easily solve the short questions and even the problem sums. At the term-end exam, I scored above the class average and in my finals I scored the second highest in my class. Eventually I took up computer engineering as I became fond of the subject. I am now confident that with the required skills in maths, I can now solve software coding issues easily when required. 

The help provided by my neighbour and tutor proved instrumental in my total grasp of the subject. In my understanding, mathematics is not difficult, it is how the subject is presented to students that makes all the difference.

Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal.

You should say

Sample Answer :

Who is this person?
What does this person encourage you to do & How did this person help?
And explain why this encouragement helps you to achieve the goal.

Who is this person?

This person would have to be my best friend. We met when we were in grade 1 and have been friends ever since. I have a bit of an issue with self-confidence so I have always been reluctant to stand out much, but he pushes me to do it.

What does this person encourage you to do & How did this person help?

He encourages me to use my writing skills with content creation on social media, I have always had a passion for content creation, and watching other creators always makes me want to make videos and entertain people too.

And explain why this encouragement helps you to achieve the goal.

He is well aware of my passion and my condition of never doing anything to stand out, which is the main point in this line. He pushed me to give it my all and gave me the push I needed to start my page. This encouragement always creates a sense of excitement in me and I start to dedicate myself to achieving the goal, seems like I set it as a target and cannot withstand losing it. 

Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal.

You should say

Sample Answer :

Who is this person?
What does this person encourage you to do & How did this person help?
And explain why this encouragement helps you to achieve the goal.

Who is this person?

This person would have to be my best friend. We met when we were in grade 1 and have been friends ever since. I have a bit of an issue with self confidence so I have always been reluctant to stand out much, but he pushes me to do it.

What does this person encourage you to do & How did this person help?

He encourages me to use my writing skills with content creation on social media, I have always had a passion for content creation and watching other creators always makes me want to make videos and entertain people too.

And explain why this encouragement helps you to achieve the goal.

He is well aware of my passion and my condition of never doing anything to stand out, which is the main point in this line. He pushed me to give it my all, and gave me the push I needed to start my page.

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