You are currently viewing #7 DESCRIBE A FAMOUS ATHLETE YOU KNOW


Describe a famous athlete you know.

describe a famous athlete you know
Question :

Describe a famous athlete you know.

  • Who he/she is?
  • How do you know him/her?
  • What has he/she achieved?
  • And explain why he/she is famous?

Sample Answer :

I have always been a person who loves sports and since I was in school I was indulged In various sports activities like Basketball and Badminton. Being involved in sports Activities keeps one fit and healthy and keeps all the diseases away. One remains active.

Athletics and sports are very popular in our country. There are a lot of sports persons whom I admire too. A famous one is Virat Kohli, the captain of the Indian cricket team. I look up to him for his perseverance and hard work. The way he does things is absolutely commendable and he is known for his outstanding performances.

I am a die hard fan of him and as a child I also made a scrapbook out of his pictures. His pictures often come up in different magazines and newspapers and he has achieved a lot in life whether professional or personal. He is known for his outstanding performance at every match and his stamina and energy levels are non match-able.

Virat Kohli is very famous amongst the Indian masses for the way he performs and lives his life. He spends quality time with his wife and daughter. He is a perfect example of how to balance personal as well as professional life.

Question :

Describe a famous athlete you know.

  • Who he/she is?
  • How do you know him/her?
  • What has he/she achieved?
  • And explain why he/she is famous?

Sample Answer :

Who the person is?

I think playing or indulging ourselves in sports is one of the most important part of life and this can easily be achieved if we follow or accept someone as a role model who is expert in this physical exercise profession. One of the influential personalities I follow is Virat Kohli. I have been his huge fan not just from now that he is gaining world fame but from the days he was practicing in his school days.

What is his/her achievement?

He has not just achieved laurels for his country but also personally he is the one any female on earth would love to respect and follow. With his hardwork he is a successful cricketer and the youngest captain of his team. He has been representing his country and has won the maximum number of international centuries in the game.

Why do you admire him?

The reason I admire him is the dedication and constant aggression he has for his profession and the positive winning spirit. The way he plays with 100 percent commitment motivates me to be so well committed for maintaining my own physical fitness. He has also very well balanced his personal and professional life, clearly the same is visible when his renowned wife specially visits the stadium to boost his confidence and stand by his side like a strong pillar.
Being his well wisher I always pray that his family and he himself is always blessed with a happy and prosperous life and that he keeps bringing fame for his country.

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