You are currently viewing #120 DESCRIBE A PERSON WHO IS A HERO FOR YOU


Describe a person who is a hero for you.

You should say

Sample Answer :

Who do you think?
Why do you think so?
Do you still meet them?

Who do you think?
I would say, the person who I would consider a hero would be my grandfather. He has a charismatic personality and a bum knee. The story of how he got it is actually one of his favorite stories to tell. 

Why do you think so?

I think so mainly because of the way he lived his life, he is a hero to me for his efforts in the world war, the stories he told me of how he defended the country and the ideals they had fought for always inspired me in life to do better.

Do you still meet them?

Unfortunately, he had lost his life to age not so long ago, it was a really low point in my life and I would like to live a life he would be proud of. After the ceremonies, the entire family gathered together to share their favorite things about him. 

Describe a movie you would like to watch again | IELTS Cue Card

Describe a person who is a hero for you.

You should say

Sample Answer :

Who do you think?
Why do you think so?
Do you still meet them?

Describe a person who is a hero for you.

Since my childhood, I have considered different famous people as my role models. I think sometimes their life stories give me motivation to achieve little or big goals in my life.

Who do you think?

Right now, my hero is my father. He is my favorite person in the world. He works really hard in his life. He lives in Delhi, India. My grandfather is also a hard working person. He bought some acres of land by himself. And, my father made it double with all his hard work. He also faced some difficult situations in his life but he never stepped back. Every time when I get demotivated, I take motivation from my father.

Why do you think so?

He is my hero because he always supports me in all situations and always tries to make me happy. He is also a perfect man to take care of our family through all the good times and bad ones.

Do you still meet them?

As I live in Bangalore because of my job, I do not meet him regularly. I met him last month, when I visited Delhi. The exciting thing is next month, he is coming to see me along with my mother. I am so excited and I cannot wait to see them and create unforgettable memories. .

Describe a person who is a hero for you.

You should say

Sample Answer :

Who do you think?
Why do you think so?
Do you still meet them?

Who is the person?
A person who according to me is nothing short than a hero would be my grandmother. She is no longer with us but she led an exemplary life to the very end. 

What extraordinary things he/she has done?
I have heard many stories about her but her escape from war -torn Bangladesh in 1971 remains one which demonstrates her exceptional courage. With all her children already in India she had to escape from the main town carrying just a small bag to avoid attention. She took refuge in the house of one of her servants’ ancestral home in a rural area. However, soon the situation started deteriorating and she had to escape from there too. While some of the details are sketchy, she supposedly walked for days, taking shelter in obscure villages, and managed to reach an Indian army outpost. Later my father somehow managed to find her in one of the refugee camps. 

Why do you think he/she is a remarkable personality ?
I was in my teens when she finally breathed her last. However, till the very end she refused to take any help from  anyone. Despite her advancing age she remained resilient and did not lose hope. Her escape from Bangladesh demonstrates her grit and determination to survive despite all odds.

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