Describe a Time When You Received Money As A Gift

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When did you receive it?
What did you do with it?
How did you feel about it?

When did you receive it?

I remember when I was in class 11th, it was the month of May, I just came back home from school, and my mother told me that class 10th’s board exam results are announced, you should check yours as well, I then checked my score, and it was an unexpected shock, I scored the highest in the school and also in my entire family. Then I visited my hometown, and I was given an honorary cash prize by my relatives.

 What did you do with it?

I am a money-saver like my mother, I think I have inherited this trait from her. Also it is also because of the way she nurtured me, from childhood only she taught me the value of money, and importance of saving it for your future. I do not have a piggy-bank because I do not get pocket money. So, I gave it to my mother, to keep it as a deposit for me.

 How did you feel about it?

I felt proud at that moment, because it was not only my academic victory, but also my first earning which as a memento I gave to my mother. 

Describe a Time When You Received Money As A Gift

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When did you receive it?
What did you do with it?
How did you feel about it?

When it happened

On all my birthdays, I would get special gifts from my parents and loved ones. On my 16th birthday, my aunt sent me some cash as she was in a different city and could not attend the party. As a teen to receive a handsome sum meant a lot, as till then, other than the weekly pocket money, I was not given much cash. 

Who gave you the money

My youngest aunt was always my favourite. Throughout my growing up years she was an integral part of my life. She accompanied me everywhere and fulfilled all my wishes. Every birthday she would take me to the market and get me whatever I desired for. However, on my 16th birthday she could not be present due to certain work commitments. She sent me the cash along with a beautiful note which I have carefully treasured till date. 

And explain how you used the money

I was overjoyed to receive the money and had a million ideas running through my head how I would spend it. At first I planned to get myself a dress but then mother advised that I should put it to good use as it was a considerable sum of money. Later my parents added a little more to the sum and I got my first bicycle. That bicycle spelled freedom and I had the chance to join my gang of friends to roam around the town. I used the bicycle for many years, till the time I lived in my hometown. 

Describe a Time When You Received Money As A Gift

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Sample Answer :

When did you receive it?
What did you do with it?
How did you feel about it?

When did you receive it?

I received it on the new years this year, it is a family custom to exchange gifts on new years to commemorate the coming year with happy memories, cash isn’t usually something you give at this event but my grandmother recently had a knee surgery because of which she could not go and get gifts for everyone, so she gave cash to everyone.

What did you do with it?

I have saved it in my account, it isn’t a lot of money but it is still more than what I make in two days, I eventually want to buy a car, and this will help in paying the first payment on it. I heard my cousin spent it all on a party the next day with his friends. He is a bit irresponsible with his money but he also makes three times what I do so I think he has it essay.

How did you feel about it?

I felt really happy. It is fascinating to think that as we grow up we start to appreciate money as gifts more than actual gifts, it makes our lives a bit easier and we can get whatever we want with it. I have a feeling more people will be giving cash as a present next year.

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