You are currently viewing #69 DESCRIBE AN ACHIEVEMENT YOU ARE PROUD OF


Describe an achievement you are proud of

You should say

Sample Answer

    • What is the achievement?
    • When did it happen?
    • How did you accomplish it?
    • Why is it significant to you?

What is the achievement?
In this fast paced world with an ever demanding job environment one needs to keep upgrading one’s skills. With this aspect in mind, during my final year in college, I decided to acquire few added skills through online courses.

When did it happen? 
During my final year in electronics and telecommunication, I decided to undergo few short-term courses along with my regular studies. My college curriculum was already a rigorous and demanding one. However, I wanted to equip myself with additional skills to fulfil the challenges I might face in the job market.

How did you accomplish it?
During this period I faced many challenges including difficult exams and assignments. I developed disciplined study habits and utilised my time judiciously. This helped to balance both my coursework in college and online course well. I did go through moments of despair but remained undeterred from my goal.

Why is it significant to you?
My perseverance paid off as I scored well in both courses. This achievement instilled a sense of confidence in me that I can overcome any challenges in a demanding job market. Also there was an overwhelming feeling of pride and accomplishment.

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