Describe an important plant in your country.

You should say

Sample Answer :

What is it?
Why do you think it is important?
Where is it found?



What plant it is?

One of the most important plant is our country is turmeric which is used in Indian curries. It is primarily used to add colour to food however, it has a plethora of health benefits. In its raw form it looks exactly like ginger. It is a rhizome which is the underground stem and turmeric is extracted from that part of the plant. 

How is it used ?

In most Indian homes turmeric is an essential ingredient in the spice rack. More than ninety percent of the food cooked has turmeric in it. It not only adds the bright yellow colour to food but also adds an earthy flavour to it. When mixed with other spices and herbs it helps to lend a unique taste to the food cooked. Other than Indian food, turmeric is also used in Asian food like Thai curry and phad Thai noodles and many other items.

In what way is it useful ?

Turmeric has many medicinal properties and is regularly used in Ayurvedic medicines. Turmeric helps to reduce all kinds of inflammation, improves digestion and brings relief to people suffering from health problems related to arthritis. It is also regularly used for beautification and purification and on auspicious occasions like marriage, turmeric is used in pre-wedding festivities on the bride and groom-to-be.

Describe an important plant in your country.

You should say

Sample Answer :

What is it?
Why do you think it is important?
Where is it found?



What is this plant? & where is it found?

My country is also called a subcontinent, where there is extensive flora and fauna. And also due to our religious history, we have many native tree species and animals, who are considered close to gods and because of that reason people are devout to nature as well. India is also home to a vast variety of herbs like turmeric, which are used by Ayurveda for treating various ailments. I find Tulsi another important herb, and I can guarantee you that every Indian will have it in his home, because of its sacred aspects, no matter where you live, either in an urban area or a rural area, you will definitely find a Tulsi plant in every Indian’s home. It is not restricted to any particular region.

Why is it so important?

There is a very old mythological story, that the Tulsi plant is very close to Lord Vishnu, who is one of the supreme gods according to our faith. And in order to have god’s blessing Indians worship tulsi, they will give it water every day, and light an earthen lamp near it as a ritual. 

And explain its benefits?

Tulsi is also used in Ayurveda for curing diabetes, heart diseases, and as an immunity booster. It spreads its calming fragrance in the entire house, and chewing tulsi leaves also removes yellowness from teeth.

Describe an important plant in your country.

You should say

Sample Answer :

What is it?
Why do you think it is important?
Where is it found?



What is it?

An important plant in my country would have to be the basil or tulsi in the local language.

Why do you think it is important?

It is an important plant in the country because it has deep rooted cultural significance, it is believed that it houses the spirit of the goddess of wealth and prosperity, who is also the wife of the god of preservation and love. It also said that it removes all negative energy from your residence. This is also the reason it is worshiped as a god on special occasions, it is precisely because of this that I believe it is a really important plant. 

Where is it found?

It can be found at any home where a family resides really, and almost every gardener has at least a dozen or so to sell to any buyer. I don’t really know where the natural habitat of it would be but it can’t grow in climates outside India.

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  1. tlovertonet

    I like this blog its a master peace ! Glad I noticed this on google .

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