Describe your favorite place in your home where you can relax.

You should say

Modal Answer 1 :

You Should say:
Where it is?
What it is like?
What do you enjoy doing there and explain why you feel relaxed at this place?

Where it is?
Home is a place where one wants peace and calm. Everyone has particular spots where they feel relaxed the most. In my case, when I come from work, I look upto sitting and relaxing in my living room with soft music played on the television. There is a sofa there where I sit and have tea while watching television.

What it is like?
The walls are painted in pastel colors which I like. The sofa has two big cushions which are my favorite as I can keep my head on it and relax. There are paintings of my favorite artists that I have put on the walls. There are planters that I have used to decorate the living area as I like plants.

What do you enjoy doing there and explain why you feel relaxed at this place?
Sometimes I just close my eyes and relax, other days I watch television or listen to some soft music as it lets me forget the chaos of the day. It is like ‘calm in the chaos’.

Pastel colors provide me with a calming effect. I have kept the lighting adjustable there by adding multiple switches so when I want to relax, I dim the light and feel tranquil. I always wanted to have one corner of my home like this where I feel myself whenever I want to shut myself from the outside world.  I feel very relaxed as the calmness that this area in the house provides me is unbeatable.

Describe your favorite place in your home where you can relax.

You should say

Modal Answer 1 :

You Should say:
Where it is?
What it is like?
What do you enjoy doing there and explain why you feel relaxed at this place?

Where is it?
My favorite place in the house is my room, where I can sit, relax, and forget all the anxieties of the day. It is a well-ventilated room and I have made it very spacious. 

What is it like?
I have decorated the room, the curtains of my room are really special and I purchased them from the famous De-Decor showroom, they completely match the color of my room and give me positive and vibrant vibes so that I feel rejuvenated all the time. Not just the decor, but the spaces that I have made in my room to study, meditate, and sleep often seem like I have done a cool division but this divide is never captured by others, and I am often appreciated for the way I have made my room. 

What do you enjoy doing there and explain why you feel relaxed at this place?
I often love doing all my activities in my room except for eating, my professional desk helps me earn money, the yoga mat helps me practice fitness and the dressing table helps me become beautiful and presentable. I feel relaxed because of the comfort I have created for myself in the room and the way it soothes my soul. Sometimes, I just do not like to come out because of the refreshed feeling I get on a continuous basis in my room.

Describe your favorite place in your home where you can relax.

You should say

Modal Answer 1 :

You Should say:
Where it is?
What it is like?
What do you enjoy doing there and explain why you feel relaxed at this place?

Which place is/was this ?

As a child I lived with my family in a quaint little town in the north-east of India. Our home was perched on a hilllock and had glass windows which opened to the mesmerizing views of the hills and valleys below. The window seat in my room was my favourite corner of the house. 

Why do/did you find it convenient ?

I found the window seat a convenient place as it was a well-lighted area and often I sat there reading books. I transformed the window seat into a comfortable area by placing mats and cushions and a foldable table to do all my study and sometimes paint.

For what purpose did you use this area?

At times I would simply sit and do nothing but enjoy the view outside which instantly refreshed my mind. At times I would sit hours with my binoculars and watch the people, the busy roads and the market far below. On spring and summer days I kept the windows open to let in the light breeze which helped to cool the room, providing the much needed relief from the heat. During the monsoons I loved to watch the rain lash against the window panes sitting by my window seat.

 It remained one of my favourite places in the house all through my teenage years and college. I utilized the window seat both for my studies and when I wanted to just laze with a story book.

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