Describe your first day at school
You should say
Sample Answer :
How did you feel on your first day of school?
What significant events occurred on your first day of school?
What did you learn from your first day of school?
How did you feel on your first day of school?
On my first day of school, I was so excited to go. Also, I felt so nervous because it was my first day. But after I reached there, I felt happy because I made two friends on my first day. I still remember that day in my head.
What significant events occurred on your first day of school?
On my first day of school, firstly, we had an assembly where all the students got together and prayed to God. It was my first time singing the national anthem of my country. After that, my teacher gave us the new uniforms and it was the best day ever.
What did you learn from your first day of school?
The only thing I learned from my first day is everyone should stay excited for the new beginnings and should start everything good with a smile.

Describe your first day at school
You should say
Sample Answer :
How did you feel on your first day of school?
What significant events occurred on your first day of school?
What did you learn from your first day of school?
How did you feel on your first day of school?
I am a teacher by profession and I would love to share my first-day experience as a teacher. I still remember when I first entered the classroom, it looked like there were around 30 stars continuously observing me. All my students had such big expectations, to some I was like their mum, to some like a friend, and to others I was like a stranger with whom they needed some time to be comfortable. I felt as though I was responsible for all the deeds the little ones sitting in front of me did and I could also recall all the values my teachers had nurtured in me.
What significant events occurred on your first day of school?
On the first day, I was made to comfort all the students by narrating a story and also communicating with them so as to know them and have a personal sort of communication apart from this, as it was my first day the school authorities had organized a get-together for all the teachers to have an introductory session among all the old and new teachers so that the entire staff could stand united in working for the betterment of students and also be able to achieve the schools mission of sustainable goals.
What did you learn from your first day of school?
It was the best day of my life and I can never forget the respect and love I received from all corners of the school. The emotional touch I was provided with, made me realize the responsibility I had to carry and be answerable to all the parents associated with the school. I also learned the way the school teachers, admin staff, and ground staff all work together and stand united for the betterment of society and for the sake of building the school’s reputation and discipline.
Describe your first day at school
You should say
Sample Answer :
How did you feel on your first day of school?
What significant events occurred on your first day of school?
What did you learn from your first day of school?
How did you feel on your first day of school?
I do not remember much about my first day in Kindergarten however, I recall my first day in high school very well. On the first day of school my uniform was not ready and I had to go in colour clothes. Although I was excited to join the new school but as I did not have my uniform I remember crying in the morning before school.
The school was not very far from my home so my father dropped me to school on foot on that first day. As we entered the school, I clutched my father’s hand tightly as I was nervous. It was a huge school and as we entered the impressive gates I was amazed by the sheer size of it.
What significant events occurred on your first day of school?
The school assembly was at 8.30 am and I was made to stand behind a long line of students. As the piano started playing we marched into the hall. All the younger kids including me was made to stand in the first rows. Once everybody was assembled we folded our hands in prayer and sang the hymns.
What did you learn from your first day of school?
Later I was led to my colourful classroom and assigned a seat. Our class teacher Ms. Dally was a sweet lady and tried her best to make us kids comfortable. Since it was the first day of school we were given our books, school diary and stationery. There was no studies done that day and instead we were given blocks and puzzles to play with. Soon it was lunch time and after that we were asked to take a short nap. Since it was the first day of school, we were allowed to leave early.
That first day of school was a memorable one as not only did I enjoy the day but I also made a friend who happens to be my best friend even today.
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Im thankful for the post.Thanks Again. Great.