What are the primary reasons behind environmental degradation?

Score- 15

The significant causes for the environment to degrade day by day are due to the irresponsible behavior of humankind and also some natural calamities like earthquakes, floods, and volcano eruptions. These reasons will be discussed in the essay.

 To commence with, the careless manners of humans concerning the increase of industrial areas causes air and water pollution. Growth of the industries mainly because of the population increase in a non-accountable way has caused serious threats to the ecosystem. In this context, the surrounding industrial areas have experienced a high increase in air and water pollution and the resources are not enough to fulfill the requirements of mankind. For example, in rural areas, water resources are used for drinking purposes, however, because of pollution, the resources are getting depleted and also people usually suffer from severe health diseases and many other problems. 

Moreover, natural disasters have always added to the degradation of the natural environment. Firstly, Floods cause soil erosion, the depleted quality of soil leads to low nutritional food hence affecting both humans and animals. Secondly, earthquakes affect land in the form of landslides, tsunamis, and fires leading to major destruction of loss of life. For example, earthquakes that occurred in Malaysia led to landslides and soil erosion in that particular area.

 In conclusion, environmental degradation is led by either mankind or natural calamities. If people are conscious of these two aspects, then the environment can be protected and saved for future generation.

What are the primary reasons behind environmental degradation?

Score- 13

The importance of the environment which was always debatable has become more controversial. Many people claim that this is beneficial while many individuals reject this notion. This essay will further elaborate on my reasons behind environmental degradation. 

To commence with, There are a plethora of reasons behind environmental degradation. The first and foremost reason behind this is deforestation. In the present time, many companies cut the trees for their benefit because deforestation provides space to the industries for their development. However, it impacts the wildlife and the flora and fauna. For example- Birds lose their home and many wild animals are affected by deforestation.

Furthermore, deforestation affects the climate and food chain. In addition, pollution is the second reason behind environmental degradation. Waste dumps are the main cause of water pollution. Water is a prominent part of mankind's life however many industries dump their waste in rivers and lakes. It impacts the water creatures like fish. Moreover, it impacts on individual life because it creates many diseases like diarrhoea and many more. Furthermore, these factories also affect the climate with bad air pollution. 

To conclude, according to the arguments aforementioned above one can reach to a conclusion that the drawbacks of environmental degradation are deforestation and water pollution and many more reasons.

What are the primary reasons behind environmental degradation?

Score- 11

Environmental degradation happens because of many things like deforestation, air pollution, changing climate, using too much of natural resources, and an increase in industrialisation. This essay will mention the primary reasons behind environmental degradation below. 

To commence with, there are various reasons behind environmental degradation, the first major reason is deforestation. People are cutting down the forest for building and personal work which leads to an increase in temperature which causes global warming and also disturbs the animals and birds which are living in the forest and depend on the forest. The second main reason behind environmental degradation is air pollution, it is caused by the smoke released by the factories and cars. As the air pollution increases it may lead to bad air quality in the related areas which causes destruction of habitat and disposal of wildlife and_increment of extinct species and their death rate. 

The third reason is climate change. It is also a major contributor to environmental degradation as it can cause soil erosion which may result in the loss of soil purity and lead to desertification and nutrient deficiency in the soil. The soil erosion will also increase in deforestation. In addition ,water pollution is also a main reason behind environmental degradation as the industries release waste into the water bodies which impacts the water creatures and individuals as they cause many diseases. 

In conclusion, if people are using natural resources without any limits or do the same for several years it may lead to the downfall of the environment.

What are the primary reasons behind environmental degradation?

Score- 9

As a consequence of people using natural resources without any limitations, it has put a deep hole in our environment. As the population keeps on increasing rapidly, no steps are taken regarding the protection of the environment. The essay will highlight the reasons for the depletion of natural resources. 

Environmental degradation includes the quality of air, soil, and water resources.

Deforestation is one of the main reason for soil pollution, years ago farmers and industrials started cutting down forests for their uses without thinking its consequences on nature, animals and birds living in that area. Many species have extinct due to this reason. One example of the extinction of birds is the sparrow, due to the prevalent signals in the air, visibility of sparrows is rare. 

Industries have been polluting air and water since a long time, they release harmful gases into the air and chemicals in rivers or ponds with detoxifying them.

These chemical and gases are very harmful and then they are inhaled by birds and water animals which result in their death. 

In conclusion, human have degraded the environment by wasting and not using the resources in an efficient way.

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