You are currently viewing #113 DESCRIBE AN UNUSUAL MEAL


Describe an unusual meal

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When did you eat it?
With whom did you eat it?
Why was it unusual for you?

When did you eat it?

During my last vacation in Bali I had an unusual-sounding dish, the waiter said it was a local specialty, but I’m pretty sure he looked like he had no idea of what he was saying, I asked what the ingredients were, and he literally just said, ‘I have no idea, this is my first day’, that should have been a giveaway, that I made a big mistake. 

With whom did you eat it?

I was on the trip with my college friends, the trip was good other than that one experience with the unique cuisine.  

Why was it unusual for you?

The dish had a weird carpet-like texture, which made it very hard to swallow, other than that some sauces came with it, which I am pretty sure was rotten slime, it was gooey and along with the aforementioned texture I am not even sure how a human can cook sure a monstrosity, the entire friend group had given up in finishing it the moment the first bites entered our mouths, we had no dinner that day.

Describe a movie you would like to watch again | IELTS Cue Card

Describe an unusual meal

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When did you eat it?
With whom did you eat it?
Why was it unusual for you?

Describe an unusual meal

I am a food lover. I always stay excited to try different food items. Sometimes, I prefer to cook at home and other times I love to eat from outside. 

When did you eat it?

Recently, I tried a Stromboli at my workplace. It was a folded pizza with all the veggies and diced chicken in it. I am working at a restaurant and one of my coworkers made this item for me last weekend. I was super excited to try this item because he told me that he is trying to make something special for me because it was the end of the week and I worked too much extra on that day. He wanted to give me a treat.

With whom did you eat it?

I shared it with one of my coworkers at work. It was so delicious and I also took one home because I wanted my brother to try it.

Why was it unusual for you?

It was uncommon for me as it is no longer on our restaurant’s menu. It was on the ten year old menu. The person who made that for me has been working for the last 15 years. He told me that the old customers still ask for this food item. According to me, our restaurant should again add this in the menu. I cannot wait to eat it again.

Describe an unusual meal

You should say

Sample Answer :
When did you eat it?
With whom did you eat it?
Why was it unusual for you?

When did you eat it

A few years back, I visited Kerala which is in the south of India. While we visited many places there, the one place I particularly remember is our safari to Thekkady forest and the homestay deep in the woods. It was an unusual place made of bamboos and other biodegradable materials surrounded by vegetation all around. At night one could hear the owls hooting and the buzz of the fireflies all around. 

With whom did you eat it?

I was visiting Kerala with my family and one other family. On our first night, we were served a typical south Indian meal which is not eaten in urban area. The food was served on a banana leaf placed on the plates. The meal comprised of rice, dal and vegetables but the taste was very different from the regular food I generally have. It was accompanied by different kind of chutneys bursting with flavours. Also the Kerala style prawn and chicken curry was cooked in coconut base and was full of flavour. 

Why was it unusual for you?

This meal was very different from anything I had before. Also the experience of having food on a banana leaf was new for me and the food seemed to taste better. The rice pudding served at the end of the meal was flavorful and each spoonful was a delight. 

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    Appreciate you sharing, great post.Really thank you! Fantastic.

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